Saturday, March 8, 2014

Why I started a new blog (and why you should care)

I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years now. I write with two other moms about parenting and related issues. We run and promote contests. It’s a good place with good people.

But there are many days where I think of things I’d love to write about, I’d love to post about, that just…don’t fit there. I feel as if it’s become this kind of “vanilla happy frappy place” and while that’s fine, and that’s great, it’s not me all the time. I have other stuff to say.

If you read my other blog you’d think I was a boring person and obviously, I mean, come on, I’m not. Duh. But it’s tame and pleasant over there. We have sponsors. We review products.

Nobody’s cussing.
I post sarcasm and people get cranky about it.
I roll my eyes a lot.

I’ve threatened to do this for a year or so.  
OK, I’ve thought about it and told some blogging friends that I wanted to start an “underground” new blog
So I started fresh. It’s not as if I’m killing off the other blog, not by any means. There’s parts of me that really enjoy that work. But there’s a part of me that wants to write, that wants to enjoy it again, and not worry about whether or not I posted something controversial that sponsors may not like. So you won’t see ads here. You’ll see me (but not like that, come on, I don’t post naked selfies).

I’ve also started Facebook and Twitter feeds for this blog mostly because I come up with some funny shit throughout the day that doesn’t quite make it to full post status. I’ll post blogs once per week (unless I get super motivated – don’t expect that often) and then the real daily little (“micro-blogging”) stuff will be over on FB and Twitter. So come join the party. I don’t Google+. Yet. I haven’t figured that out. Sometimes I think I’m too old to learn something new.

I’m 37.

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